Monday, July 27, 2015


But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. (Matthew 14:24 NKJV)

Contrary?  Interesting description of the wind that this storm produced.  Storms are like that...just contrary..."over against, opposite."  These winds are sure stirring up some opposition and coming against that boat...the "safe" place is being battered and doesn't seem so safe at that moment in time.  Jesus comes on the scene and one is willing to get out of the boat,  let go of his fears...and walk on top of those wind tossed waves.

Seems like contrary winds have a way of stirring up all sorts of reactions...some will face the storm in the boat and others will step out of the boat...Jesus was found in both places...on the waves and reaching out to rescue Peter when his brave step met the challenge of the contrary wind and his eyes dropped from Jesus.  His courage should encourage all of us boat-sitters!!!  The contrary winds become  calm after Jesus climbs in the boat...Jesus changes the situation...and teaches us greater faith and revelation of who He is, in and out of the boat. 

Today, opposing winds may rock your boat.  And if they do, this may be your opportunity to answer His call to "come" and walk on water answer.   There are times when things start shaking that we choose the safety of the boat but this may be the storm that requires a stretching of your faith...and requires a step outside of the boat that will bring you face to face with the One who will capture your gaze and keep you on the waves!!! 

Photography by Lisa Ross

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