Friday, January 22, 2016


Young children are great imitators! Precious eyes watch and tender ears hear...and learn! Children are quick to learn to repeat the words they hear, along with the actions they see.  It is not a surprise that "No!" is among the list of first words used with emphatic emotion in the emerging language of a toddler! What parent isn't a bit flattered when watching their youngster acting like them...wanting to dress the same, climbing up on the bathroom counter to put on makeup or shave,  "helping" in the kitchen or pushing a toy mower around the yard. Children imitate what they see!  If you are a parent, grandparent or caregiver, this may be a humbling moment or you may be thinking "uh oh."  This should give us cause to stop and think about the example we are setting for our children...and others.

 “THEREFORE BE imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].”
Ephesians 5:1 AMP

As followers of Christ, children of God, we are also to be imitators of Christ. The Bible is our greatest resource and the scriptures are filled with easy to follow instructions and this...

“And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance. [Ezek. 20:41.]”
Ephesians 5:2 AMP

Our walk in this life should be imitating the love of Christ...delighting in each other and willing to put others first.  

There's more...the scriptures offer specifics... 

“But immorality (sexual vice) and all impurity [of lustful, rich, wasteful living] or greediness must not even be named among you, as is fitting and proper among saints (God's consecrated people). Let there be no filthiness (obscenity, indecency) nor foolish and sinful (silly and corrupt) talk, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting or becoming; but instead voice your thankfulness [to God].”
Ephesians 5:3-4 AMP

Our walk (actions) should be love-filled and our talk should be full of expressions of thankfulness...

Pay attention to your walk and talk today.
You are setting an example someone else will follow. 

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