Saturday, September 30, 2017

Love repents

These are not my words, this comes from today's prayer focus by Dutch Sheets. On this Saturday morning, take a few minutes to consider that you are standing in the presence of God, just like Moses...will you bend your knee to worship and pray? Love profoundly. “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.” And Moses quickly bowed his head toward the earth and worshiped.” (Exodus 34:6-8; ESV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: * Ask God to forgive you your sin. * Pray for those you know who do not yet know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. Name them by name and cry out for their souls. * Intercede for this nation and ask God to forgive our national sin – be specific and don’t be afraid of any emotion that rises up within you regarding it. * Worship and thank the Lord for His plan of salvation – personal and national. A prayer you can pray: Lord, forgive me for all of my sin. I cannot thank you enough for the grace of the cross that I get to come to daily, and moment by moment, so that I can live free of guilt and shame. You know my iniquitous bents. Lead me in righteous paths and remove those temptations to sin away from me. I pray the same for my family members and friends who don’t know Jesus yet. Save them, Lord! Forgive, as well, the sins of these United States. Forgive our murdering of millions of babies in the womb. Forgive our national bent toward racism. Forgive us for our participation in human trafficking, pornography, gambling, drug sales and use, and so many other matters of the heart. Save us, Jesus, and save our people, so we are ready for You when You come! Amen. Today’s decree: I decree that today we will bow our heads to the ground in gratefulness and worship God, even as Moses did. -From Dutch Sheets "Give Him 15" 9/39/17

Friday, September 29, 2017

Love out loud

This picture says it revolution revolves around the Word! Joy unspeakable! Laugh out loud! Love out loud!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Love scent

Wrinkled up nose and a clear exclamation "That stinks!" There's no mistaking how a 4 year old feels about something, social graces and socially acceptable controls just aren't part of their make-up. That's part of the joy of being with 4s, you don't have to guess how they feel...laughter, giggles, thrust out lip in a pout, tears and cries, a face that says it all and sometimes words that say too much! Sometimes, there's no doubt how we grownups feel either, reacting to situations from emotion before allowing control to kick in. The love revolutionary will find a battle whenever strong emotions meet love. Responding in every situation through the love of Christ is what we are called to do, but sometimes, many times, more often that not...the aroma from a reaction isn't fragrant. I don't know how you are doing with this love revolution but I know that I stink it up when it comes to letting the love fragrance flow...maybe I've been around 4s too long...or maybe I need to let God be in control. Our life group was warned this week...when you purpose to love, there will be challenges. My greatest challenge is me and God is teaching me a thing or two about this thing called love.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Love ALL

This thing called love has consumed me...I want to make known His great love by loving others. This thing can be done and must be done. Our discussion on love in our life group last night lead us to name someone who had that thing that was different- they love people, all people, all the time...and their presence in a room changed things. This thing, this love thing, is a God-thing. God inspired, God powered, God purposed. I want it, this thing called love. Not the "I love chocolate" kind of love...the kind of love that has no limit...and changes everything...❤️

Monday, September 25, 2017

Love power

A love revolutionary soldier possesses power and authority if empowered by God. Let's get to the point, the power of God is in the Jesus follower, all of God's power, ALL. The problem for most of us, we try to love in our own power and leave untapped the mighty power within us. We fail to yield, resist obedience, and micromanage what we do based on our limited strength. This is life changing power that will be noticed. Let this settle in your heart and mind...get connected to the power source and light up your world. Love power❤️

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Love shares

This love revolution is the conduit for bringing God's Kingdom principles into this world, now. That's the purpose. Not just a "love people into the kingdom" approach. The love revolutionary soldier will hunger for direction, from the scriptures and through personal prayer time with God. This is critical. Without God's supernatural empowerment, wisdom and principles, love will be an empty word and actions without life changing meaning. A Love Revolution requires sharing the Gospel message, through action and words. As a soldier on the "love frontlines" we need to be prepared to live out the kingdom principles, which requires diving into His Word, bringing these principles to life on earth, through a heart that loves God, loves people, and is empowered to share the message of Hope. If we are challenged by these love messages, let's dive into the Word this for what Kingdom Principles we should be following as followers of Jesus. Let's share this love and hope we have. Are you in?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Love shield

A praying mantis visited my porch last night. The simple things of nature are amazing to me...and without getting into all the details...I stand amazed at God's workmanship. I really don't like bugs but the appearance of this one made me smle. God made this little feller on purpose, for a each of us. Bugs know their purpose, its hardwired into isn't complicated. A bug's life is lived doing what they were created to do. We humans have a specific purpose, too. But unlike bugs, we find ourselves searching for purpose that doesn't need to be searched for. It really isn't complicated. It is hardwired in us: Love God. Love others. Those who do, have God's shield of protection. Shields up! Love revolution❤️

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Love deeply

I stood on the playground late yesterday afternoon, surrounded by full-of-life preschoolers. Usually, my eyes are fastened on them. But for a moment I shifted my gaze upward. The sky was showing off with a September spectacular field of blue laced with white. Surrounded by love. These moments of glimpses of heaven are a gentle reminder to love just like that...with abandon...with the passion of a prechooler, without boundaries like the sky, fully engulfed by God's presence in the moment...every moment. You are deeply loved so love deeply.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Love is giving

I confess, I am a keeper. I hold on to notes, pictures drawn by children, cards, stuff and things...boxes of stuff, drawers of stuff. I also tend to keep concerns to myself. I tend to keep emotions in check. I am a keeper who needs to learn to let go. So I purpose to keep only what I need now and spend a summer cleaning out boxes, to give concerns to God, and give away my heart. Learning to give is a necessary for a love revolutionary. Afterall, God loved us so much that He gave up His Son, Jesus, who loved us so much He gave up heaven to walk this earth then gave up His life, for love. So we should be givers. Love revolution gives...all.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Love is real

Love revolution will revolutionize your life...but this isn't something you can fake. A God-love filled revolutionary will be passionate...both in love and hate. It's ok...the hate is directed at evil. But at the same time, squeezing every drop of good out of a situation. Love revolts against evil by overcoming love. Action-driven, all-consuming love changes things. Fake love will look good on the outside but will not stand up for what is right. Be overpowered by God's love...superfilled...not superficial love. Love that changes things. “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.” Romans 12:9 NLT

Monday, September 18, 2017

Love is life

I've wasted several minutes looking for an image that will capture what my words will fail to express, without success. This picture of a road through a redwood forest is close. The drive to church yesterday was not my usual Sunday morning route. I was driving on 4H Camp Rd, at a certain spot I had an elevated view of the road ahead, a ribbon of roadway surrounded by a forest of tall trees, an oncoming vehicle that look minaturized by the overwhelming size of the trees stretching toward heaven. It was in that moment that a sense of the awesome realization of just how small we are compare to the vast "bigness" of God. In those few seconds I could see the road ahead, the slow moving vehicle...the surrounding was breathtaking. Like the first time you view the earth below from the window of a jet. The panoramic wonder. Yet, for all our limited vision allows us to see, think of God's view...seeing not only the view before Him from His perspective, but also He sees the beginning and the end...all at once. The moment was beautiful, thanking Him for the reminder of His presence in the beauty of His creation, and for the peace in knowing that He is bigger than any trial, temptation, struggle or challenge. In fact, He promises His blessings, through it and on the other side of it, if we love Him. That's where we need to focus our attention...Loving the One who sees you from beginning to end, the One who is far bigger than any issue life can throw at you, He is the One who offers a full life of His blessings...for your love. Love revolution is zoe-life.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Love walks

It is easy to say you love God and everyone else. I'm sure you've heard "actions speak louder than words." Loving God with your heart will show through your obedience to His Word. Yes, that means reading the Bible to find out what He asks of you and doing it, spending time with God in prayer (talking to Him and listening), and then doing what He says. Loving others requires more than talk, love walks. In other words, your love for others will be demonstrated in your actions, how you respond when others gossip, how you respond when another's words hurt you, what you do with your gifts and blessings. Jesus walked out His love, both for His Father and us, to the cross. Does your love walk?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Love lifestyle

If you've ever tried to drop a few pounds you've heard the word diet change! After a diet change comes a degree of success, then the change back to not on a diet and the return of the pounds. Then you become acquainted with the words "lifestyle" change! A healthy lifestyle of healthy food choices, exercise, and stress management bring about a long-lasting result! A diet of love will bring temporary results...a lifestyle of love will have eternal results. How you love reveals your bloodline...His kids love like Him! Love revolution is a lifestyle of love, God-style. Got love?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Love comes first

Notice love gets first mention in this scripture. Love revolution love comes first.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Love refresh

It happens. The browser window freezes, the app locks up...just won't work. Find the refresh function and you are back in business...most of the time. If that doesn't work, you may have to resort to a reboot, just restart and clear out the bad code! If only our hearts were as easy to fix. Perhaps a love refresh will get us back on track, restarting a love flow, love revolution style! Refresh yourself in His love.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Love why?

Children of all ages ask "why?" a lot. There's much to learn in the world of a 4-5 year old! And, they've learned enough in their short lives to cause them to question...especially when being asked to do or not do something. It can be a true test of mercy and grace when those little eyes look straight at you and bravely or brazenly question your authority! As parents and teachers, test time has come. Just as the child learns to question...we've stood before God with the same "why?" on our lips when asked to love, the seemingly unloveable. Our God looks at us, sighs, purses His lips, checks His voice tone, puts His hands on your shoulders, draws you close and speaks softly into your ear...Because. I. Love. You.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Love pursuit

Desire earnestly, pursue. Love. The message of Hope, eternal life, unmerited favor is best communicated from a heart filled to overflowing with God's love. Pursue Him. Want nothing else. Settle for nothing less. You will be empowered with the right words at the right time, as the love revolution pursues, seeks after, earnestly desire to love Him and love others.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Love remains

Faith, hope, love. These three words are powerful. In the face of anything and everything, these three will make the difference. Even in times when faith is shaken and hope is difficult, love overcomes. Try love today. Allow the reality of God's love wash over you. His love is right now, in your current circumstance, He loves you. Now, fully filled God's love, unleash that power...allow pure love to rush out of you onto the landscape of your life...the force alone will wash away many things, yet Faith, Hope and Love will remain. Love revolution...river of love, flow.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Love anyway

Let's face it, demonstrating love isn't always easy. The reasons are many, yet, we are to reach out in love anyway. In those times when we feel justified in judging a person or situation, or feel like our efforts are unappreciated or appear to be unfruitful, or in those times when other emotions threaten to override the love...remember this, we don't know it all...yet. At best, we see very little and not enough to put us in a position to decide to withhold love. There is One who knows, God. A time will come when we may know more but the best way to clear vision and wisdom, is to keep our focus on Him. The love you show today will have an will the love you withhold. God loves you completely...He sees the big picture...beginning to end. Love revolution is love, anyway.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Love grows

Growing up is natural. God expects us to grow up in our walk with Him. He lavishes us with love, grace and mercy. He provides for us. He teaches us. A Jesus follower should show evidence of growing up, in love. Love revolution with see love growing. Got love?

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Love eternal

God wants us to understand His love. He has provided every means posible to communicate His promises to all. A time is coming when the Perfect One, Jesus, will return. The ultimate conclusion, the promise fulfilled. His love will be fully understood. Today, the Holy Spirit still convicts and convinces...eternity is certain. The question is, where will you choose to spend it...heaven or hell. God loves you so much, He sent His only son, Jesus, to die for your sins. Eternal love paves the way to eternity with the One who loves you completely, eternally. He loves you so much that He made the way clear, but left you with the choice. Accept Jesus, Believe He died for you, Confess your sins to Him. He's ready with arms open wide to welcome you. Allow eternal love to wash over you. This is what He wants us to know now...His love. Love revolution is life changing and begins with your Yes, Lord.  Eternal love.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Love never gives up

Love revolution is evidenced with a God-infused no quit strength to love when it is hard, challenging, painful, unpleasant, frustrating...there are times that love will be tested, it is easy to love the loveable. We are called and empowered to love, all. An overflowing river of God's love flowing through you will touch those around you, all. Check yourself, what flows from you? Love does not fail...ever!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Love choices

Love takes a stand for the truth. This is not always the easy choice but will always be the right choice.  Love revolution involves knowing God's truth and sharing the truth in love. Love does not accept what is wrong happily. Love will drive a response that brings truth to light. Love the truth, speak truth, act in love.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Love remembers

Love overflowing...the flow may be like a flood, sweeping over everything in its path or gently flowing, either way, the flow makes a difference where the water of love sweeps.  Good manners, a smile, a hug, opening a door, checking on a neighbor, taking a meal to a sick friend or a mom with her hands full, sits with an elderly friend, mows a neighbors lawn, prays with a friend in need...remembers the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our sins rather than counting the sins of another.  Love revolution starts in our own hearts and overflow in our everyday demonstrated...Got love?

Friday, September 1, 2017

Let the love flow

Pride is a love flow stopper.  Self-focus, self-centered, self-serving pride will keep loving patience and kindness from freely flowing.  You will be irritated, aggravated, and agitated when an opportunity before you to reach out interrupts the flow of your plans. Be on guard, pride builds a dam that clogs the free flow of patience and kindness from your heart. Check yourself today. How are you responding to those around you? Are you patient? kind?  Let's start a love revolution...blow up the flow blocker of pride!