Thursday, September 28, 2017

Love scent

Wrinkled up nose and a clear exclamation "That stinks!" There's no mistaking how a 4 year old feels about something, social graces and socially acceptable controls just aren't part of their make-up. That's part of the joy of being with 4s, you don't have to guess how they feel...laughter, giggles, thrust out lip in a pout, tears and cries, a face that says it all and sometimes words that say too much! Sometimes, there's no doubt how we grownups feel either, reacting to situations from emotion before allowing control to kick in. The love revolutionary will find a battle whenever strong emotions meet love. Responding in every situation through the love of Christ is what we are called to do, but sometimes, many times, more often that not...the aroma from a reaction isn't fragrant. I don't know how you are doing with this love revolution but I know that I stink it up when it comes to letting the love fragrance flow...maybe I've been around 4s too long...or maybe I need to let God be in control. Our life group was warned this week...when you purpose to love, there will be challenges. My greatest challenge is me and God is teaching me a thing or two about this thing called love.

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