Early this spring I had to face the fact that although my winter of "rest" had a great positive impact on my spiritual walk...early morning hours in the prayer closet brought supernatural strength and a renewed closeness with my Heavenly Father... my physical temple was in a downward spiral.
The quest to get physically stronger began. Building up spiritual strength started with making the commitment and setting aside the first part of my day to spend time with God in a dedicated place and time. Likewise, Building physical strength demands discipline!
So, here we go. Shoes on and start walking! Yes, that's right...walking...and then a little short running...then some more walking! After several weeks of effort, the slow walk became a steady "granny shuffle" and the goal to finish a 5k became a revised goal, to finish strong! The first 5k was tough but I finished!!! This summer had been on of 5ks...5 under my belt! Blazing fast? No, but finishing strong, yes indeed!
Build up your spiritual strength in the same way... start now...set aside a time and place to meet with your Creator, He made you and wants to spend time with you...there is no app needed for this! Just find a place, closet, chair, room...and start praying..talking to God...He is listening and will answer! You may only start out spending a few minutes, but soon those few minutes won't be enough and you'll find that the more time you spend working on your spiritual muscles will bring supernatural strength for your run!!!
Just like running a 5k requires preparation and finding strength to finish strong takes commitment...gaining spiritual strength for this race of life will be found in preparation and discipline...get moving!!!
2 Timothy 4:7 (NET)
I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith!
Hebrews 12:1 (NET)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, we must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race set out for us...
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