Monday, September 14, 2015


While walking in the pre-dawn darkness this morning, I was keenly aware of the surround-sound of nature. The fog enveloping this area caused condensation to form and sounded like rain as the drops of water echoed off the leaves.  In the distance, the distinctive call of an owl reverberated through to quiet.  The sound of feet hitting the pavement as a fellow morning runner moved quickly past and the sound of the spoken words of acknowledgment broke nature's "silence!"

Sounds are sweet but none sweeter than the voices of loved ones.  This weekend, I had the unique pleasure of talking with one of my beloved uncles, in person!  The warmth of his softly spoken and witty words communicated volumes, and the sound of his voice echoes in my heart today.

We are a community of people with tools and technology to keep us well-connected. This is not necessarily a "bad thing," but there is something special about the sound of a voice, speaking encouragement, truth in love, words of affirmation and love.  Cards, texts, emails and letters are excellent ways to communicate but today, someone longs to hear your voice.

Just as our family and friends like to hear from us, so does your Heavenly Father.  He is nearer than you think and hears you when you cry out.  

Today, call on the Lord, He loves to hear the sound of your voice.  Then, call or better still, visit, a friend or loved one...they might love hear the sound of your voice! 

"The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles."
(Psalms 34:17 NKJV)

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