Choices. Plenty of them.
Hungry? More than one option is available...frig or freezer is stocked with lots to choose from and if that isn't enough, restaurants galore are open and ready, just sit down and look over the slick menu with listed choices, all presented with a mouth-watering description and a perfectly presented photo. Political Candidate? No shortage of names on the list, all touting their strengths and the other's weakness with crafted and not-so-crafted sound bites and images viewed in every imaginable format, to give you a menu, of sorts, to choose from. Lots of choices!
We make choices every day, some after much research and thought, other choices are not well considered, some impulsive or imposed. There are times when we abdicate responsibility to choose by handing off a decision to someone else, with a "I don't care, whatever you want to do is fine with me" response that is not so much true as just an expression of the truth... feeling overwhelmed by too many choices. Do you ever yearn for a day when there was only one restaurant in town, with a special of the day! Maybe not, we like our choices too much!
But there are times when there isn't or shouldn't be a choice. As a responsible parent, you don't give a two year the option to hold your hand or run at will all over the parking. Presenting that option would result in a certain choice of freedom and a disastrous end. Maybe that isn't the best example but I think you get my meaning, there are times when you just need to hear "don't do that" from One who cares and has your best interests at heart.
In the scriptures, there are plenty of instructions available to show us what "to do" or what we "should do" and we love to choose what we think will work best...sometimes we choose well..other times, we wish we had chosen better. And we do have that freedom to choose. However, there are also instructions that come with a "don't do it" and we would be wise to heed those words and choose well. Those "don't do it" instructions may be found in the Bible, or may come as a loud whisper from the Holy Spirit as He guides you, or a fitly spoken word of wise counsel from someone who cares about you. Those "don't" words are as powerful as the "do" words...but we must choose wisely. Even the Do's and Don'ts come with the freedom to choose...bear in mind, the freedom to choose, to Do or Don't, also comes with the consequences of the choice...
Choose well, today!
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